HL has been focusing on the development and production of precision parts. We will provide your company with precision parts that can raise productivity and quality using our best production technology, with our years of professional experience of semiconductor, dispenser, and LED equipment. All products and specifications can be designed according to our customer’s requirements. You can contact us through our website or email of our company.
정밀 부품을 개발 및 생산하는 HL은 다년간의 반도체, 디스팬서, LED장비의 실무 경험을 바탕으로 최상의 작업조건에 부합하는 정밀부품 생산 Know-How 통해 귀사에 업무 및 제품제조 품질과 생산력 향상에 초석이 될 것을 저희 HL이 약속드립니다.
HL专注于精密零配件的研发及生产 。 我们以多年的半导体、点胶机,LED设备的专业经验为基础,运用我们最好的生产技术,为贵司提供可提高生产力及产品质量的精密零配件。 所有产品的计和规格都可根据客户要求进行定制。您可通过我司主页里的申请页面或电子邮件联系我们。